Thursday, November 13, 2008

If we were rounding up ...

I am now closer to 30 than I am to 20. So yes. Thank you for the reminder, my dear friend who just texted me, that I am turning 26 next month and not 24 or even 25. And for the email from my other friend wherein she said, "I would say 26 isn't that bad, except it kind of is. Sorry!" I know! Thank you for your honesty. Really! What good is a friend who won't address the truth.
In the past, my age has been fine. I have always felt younger than I thought I would at that age. But this year is the first time I have "felt may age" since turning 13. So in tribute of my birthday, here is a picture of me at the Museum of Natural History. Because we are all natural.And aging is a natural and beautiful thing!

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Shoes and Socks

I went to a lecture today for future entrepreneurs - (which I am not, but it's a required series so there I was). The guy was given 45 minutes where within he was to tell us "secrets of the trade" or how to start and operate an effective business and what pitfalls to look out for. He spent 15 minutes focusing on one ingredient of his product and then opened it up for questions. No slides, no insights, no helpful hints. The audience asked a myriad of questions in an attempt to learn more to which he openly answered, "it's just works that way." Now I'm supposed to write a paper about the lecture and the only thing I can think of is how you can run a business with little to no business competency. That and that I should've worn  socks with my shoes today.

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Wow! So it's been over a year since I blogged and as it turns out, this is the new (err continued) wave... so I’m back.

I attended a fireside about how to promote the vote for Prop. 8 in California. Both Elder Ballard and Cook were amazed and amused by the technological advances of our generation and want us to use our resources to start conversations about the church and this proposition. Elder Cook described the effect of text messaging as "going viral" (this was meant in a positive tone) and Elder Ballard said he wants to see our walls as he's not quite sure how we write on them. Quite funny.

So here's to it: Vote YES on Proposition 8. Preserve Families! Preserve our religious freedom!